Cutting baby's hair before 1 year? 😳

I feel really silly writing this post but some googling got me concerned. I read an article a while back on What to Expect that was talking about baby's hair and whatnot, and it made a little mention to cutting a lock for the baby book. I didn't realize that meant waiting for the first hair cut when you actually need to trim the hair and figured I'd cut a small piece from the back of my daughters head since her hair kinda grows weird back there anyway. She has hair at the top, then her hair is scarce in the middle and kinda long on the bottom..anyway, after doing that I started googling about cutting a lock for the baby book and everyone was saying they did it after a year, and when they were actually giving a cut/trim. Also that cutting a baby's hair before 1 year is bad luck and can lead to "bad hair", or other issues that seem kinda silly (talking late) but are still worrying me. So I was hoping I could get some peace of mind and hear from mommas who cut their lo's hair before a year and everything didn't fall apart? lol thanks in advance for reading!Â