Our boy's circumcision :(

As I come from a country where we only circumsize boys for religion, and my hubby is American, I pretty much told hubby he would decide if we would get this fine on our baby boy or not. We researched and were really 50/50 on it and ultimately it was an aesthetic thing for my husband and he wanted our kid to not feel different.
We went today and although every one said, it's quick and he doesn't feel a thing, well, I feel like I watched the doctor torture our baby for an hour 😔😔😔
First the restraints.... the needle to numb him, the big clamp they use and all that blood :/ 
I have never heard my baby cry so much and not been able to "save him" from the pain/ sorrow.
My husband feels horrible too and had we known what it really is we probably wouldn't t have done it.
I am heartbroken.