Children "Dating" Adults


Okay, I've seen multiple things about this on here and I want to share my experience with this.

I know where you are coming from. I was there once. When I was fifteen I "dated" a twenty year old. I thought I was more mature than the average teen. I thought he loved me. I thought all the things you (teens dating adults) are probably thinking about your relationship. I was wrong. I wish I could've taken it all back. It was the worst four months of my entire life.

Before we dated, he dated a girl I knew who was fifteen, almost sixteen and I should've known that was a red flag, but he was sweet and charming. It was so flattering that an older guy was taking an interest in me. That didn't last long.

When I became comfortable and when he got me alone, he started pressuring me into smoking weed. I was such an anti drug person, because my family has issues with it. He wouldn't shut up about it so I finally said "okay". After that, he saw that as an opening to make sure I was high all the time, and he didn't stop with pot. He drugged me with other things as well and he gave me alcohol. He made sure I was so intoxicated with whatever that I don't remember most of those months with him. I only know what happened, because of friends and my therapist and text messages. There were many things I said no to that he took advantage of while I was out of it, but I won't talk about that. I've never been able to. I wish those are moments I could forget.

This was my breaking point, we were planning on going to a rave with a couple of his friends. I thought it would be a fun experience and whatever. I found some texts on his phone, talking to his friends about getting me so messed up and then passing me around to them then leaving me there. But even then I didn't leave him. I just stopped going over to his house, then he disappeared all together without a word.

After being drugged, being abused, and being offered up as a sex toy to his friends... I still did not leave. I was so manipulated and brain washed that even after all that, I thought that was love. I share this experience so that these teenagers know that there is a chance of something bad happening to you when hanging out with adults. I don't share this to get pity or anything like that. I share this because you should know the reality of what can happen since you're "mature" enough to handle being with an adult. I just want you safe. What I've taken from mine and many other people's experiences that when an older man takes an interest in a younger girl, it's to prey on them. It's to use and abuse them, because younger girls can be easier to manipulate.

Another side of this is, if, by the off chance he actually is a decent human being, you can send him to prison if you are having sex. This depends on the laws where you live, of course. You just need to be careful and be safe. Go be young. Be immature. Date boys your age. Be single. Do whatever you want. You're a teenager and don't need a relationship. Especially with an adult. Good luck, sweeties. I hope you never experience something like I did.