Roommates ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’


So this is my first year living in an apartment while going to college. I have three roommates and we don't really hang out or anything because we're all on different schedules. Well the first couple weeks or so of living at the apartment, everyone was doing a good job of cleaning up after themselves. Though that changed to where my roommates would just let dishes pile up in the sink and then I would have to be the one to clean it up when I wanted to make something (mind you, we have a dishwasher so you would figure it wouldn't take too much effort to put the dishes in the dishwasher). Well this is pretty frustrating because whenever I make something, I wash or put the dishes I use in the dishwasher right after I get done eating or even before I start eating. And I live South Carolina so a couple weeks ago when Hurricane Matthew hit the coast, our campus was closed in order for people from the coast to stay on campus for three days. Well when I left there was a pile of dishes that my roommates messed up (I only had one coffee cup and couple spoons in the sink) but my roommates were still there so figured they would clean up their mess.


I came back five days later to see that they had left the dishes in the sink, along with more dishes. I was SUPER frustrated but I cleaned up the mess anyways because it had been there for five days and it was gross. Anyways, fast forward to today. They're still leaving dishes to pile up and I still clean up because if I need something, I wash it. But today I'm especially upset because they put away the dishes in the sink and left the ONE pan I've used all week (well my boyfriend used because he made hamburgers when he stayed over on Monday night) along with a note telling me to wash my pan because it stunk.

And let me tell you, I'm pretty annoyed right now. Because out of all the times I've cleaned up after them, all the dishes I've washed (some that still had food in them!), and all the trash that I've took out from weekends I wasn't even there, I've never left them a note or singled anyone out for leaving something in the sink. I've never pushed anything to side. Even if a dish still had food in it (like from that weekend with the hurricane and someone left muffin mix in a bowl and chicken and rice in a plate), I still washed and didn't leave a note to someone because, to be honest, in the time that I could write a note, I could rinse out a dish and put it in the dishwasher.

And yeah, I just feel pretty frustrated about this because I think its complete bullshit that they expect me to be perfectly fine with cleaning up after them but the ONE time I leave a pan in the sink, I get left a note because they're too lazy to rinse it out and put it in the dishwasher.