Feeling nervous?

Hi everyone as I am new here thought I would do a little intro. I am 27, got married 10weeks ago and been with my husband over 12 years in total (not that this matters) I had ovarian cysts when I was 17 and was in hospital etc and was recommended to go on depo injection, which I did for approx 5 year then went straight to the implant for 3 years and on the pill up to 4 weeks ago. We decided to stop being careful but not actively ttc. I have bad anxiety and don't want the pressure especially being newly wed! If I had £1 for every time someone asked me "Are you pregnant yet?" I would be very rich. So I am using this app to track my periods and I am having so many symptoms that I keep putting down to recently stopping the pill. I'm scared to get my hopes up n it not happen, just looking for some support please? Xx