Just wanted to brag about my bf 😍

Just felt like bragging a little about my bf. Hope I posted on the right spot. As we are long distance and are usually together on the weekends ( for now) . I just love and appreciate the little things he does. Drops me at the door for places (when it's cold out) so I don't have to walk in the cold. Looks out for me helps me carry my things for me groceries, if I see something I like or want or need and don't get it he'll surprise me with it, fixes things around the house, helps with my family ( especially my nephews whhich I am very close too) etc. Reminds me important things if I forget ( appointments and such). Takes out the garbage, grocery shops with me, covers me when I am cold at night. He maks sure I have my coffee made in the morning. Makes sure I have a dry bath mat to step on after my shower ( so I won't slip) Just little things like that I love and appreciate. Not to mention driving 2 ( to my house and back. I had a very difficult time seeing at night and have horrible night blindness. I'm almost blind in one eye ) hours every weekend after a full day of work just to see and spend time together. As we are still newly dating. Three months nov 6th. I just feel this weekend we have gotten especially closer to each other and really got to enjoy our time together. Also the intimacy and sex was amazing. He just amazes me every day what a big and loving heart he has. Not only for me but our families as well. His family and my own. I really feel as if I could be falling for him. I love thwt i feel he always is there and has my back on things. Also feels good knowing I can count on him( despite the distance) What is the kind of stuff your partner's boyfriend's/husband's do that are special to you? Whether it be big things or small it all counts. :-) Feel free to comment. All good guys should be apprecited and acknowledged too. 👌😍😊😉