Where to go???!

I have a couple things.... I have a big "reveal" planned to tell hubby we are expecting a few weeks into November. I plan to go to the doctor to verify things before hand. My issue is where to go. The nurses at the local clinic know my MIL very well. Some are good friends with her. I don't want the big announcement ruined so I'm worried about going to the local clinic. I can already see my MIL going in and the nurse going "oh, congratulations".... But the next nearest clinic is over 40 miles. I'm going to have to go elsewhere as our local hospital doesn't do deliveries, but I was hoping to put off making the long trips for a little while. Not to mention trying to come up with an excuse to go there without alerting the hubby.... Ugh. So. Need opinions, chance it and go to the local clinic or make up an excuse and make the drive?