should I change my profile picture?😬

Lyn • Single from the womb to the tomb
I showed one of my friends my <a href="">Eve</a> account, and she saw the photo, and asked to see it closer. I said sure, pulled up the photo and she then said I looked "to mature" and "slutty".And then continued to find 
photos she approved of. I am thirteen and the photo I currently have is one that I like, my little cousin made it for me (giving me dyed hair, eyeliner, lipstick, and eyeshadow) in an app I have and I really like it. (I really like dyed hair but I wouldn't do something like in the photo, I really want some small strips of sea blue, dark green, and dark lavender at the back of my head so when I out my hair up you can see the colors.)
The photo I currently have is this:
And the one the friend wants is this:
The first one is more recent, while the last one was taken last year. I don't know which I want? So comment below if I should just keep my original photo or change it because I look too old or "slutty"
EDIT: I'm 13 years old