She is here! πŸ’œπŸ˜πŸŽˆ(My birth story)

So as some may know I've had quite the "exciting pregnancy". I struggled with a lot of different symptoms and pains such as terrible morning sickness, pelvic girdle pain, heartburn, TMJ. Lucky for me I never did end up with Pre-eclampsia or Gestational Diabetes and overall had a healthy pregnancy.Β 
Though my story starts yesterday... I went in for my 40 week appointment. I carried full term (plus a couple of days)! This was actually a shock as we were sure she was going to be early, in fact I went into preterm labor on September 8th. Which contractions were stopped and I was able to carry my LO for the rest of my time. Now I also attempted to try and induce myself naturally once I hit 37 weeks, call me selfish, but I was told I was going to have this hulk baby and I was honestly terrified of having a cesarean. Well I tried everything... RLT, sex, clary sage oil (lush sex bombs), Ceylon cinnamon stick tea, walking, jumping, spicy food, etc. you name it... I tried it, except castor oil and the thought of LO pooping inside me freaked me out. Anyway like I said I carried her for 40 w + 2! So my doctor decided to induce on 10/25.Β 
I came into the hospital at 7:30 am on 10/25. About 8:30 - 9 am I was started on a small drip of pitocin in my IV, and the doctor ruptured my membranes. Which is when I found out this little stinker pooped inside me! But, I was told not to worry, things will be fine and they continued to allow me to labor normally. Later that afternoon I opted in for the epidural... which was very uncomfortable. But, don't let this scare you! Mine was not placed properly the first time around. I was only numb in my belly and I could still feel them placing my catheter, and all my contractions. Which I pushed through, but let me tell you; I recommend if you are ever uncomfortable with the contractions to the point you are crying, get that sucker replaced!! I got no rest before I started to push and I'm suprised I made it on 5 hours of sleep. At the point I asked to finally have a new epidural placed I had dialated from a 1.5 cm (which I was at for 4 weeks) to a 5, and then around 7 PM dialated to a full blown 10! Honestly having that new epidural placed was a god send because I began pushing at 8:30-9 PM. This was the interesting part as it's definitely uncomfortable, but it wasn't as bad as I expected since I had the epidural. I pushed for about an hour before my LO was born at 10:03 PM. Almost my whole pregnancy I was told I would have to have a cesearean even my doctor was shocked with the little amount of rest I accrued I pushed through like a champ. Now I did need anΒ episiotomy, but even with that it wasn't as bad Β as I expected and I only suffered a 2nd degree tear. After birthing LO, they cut her cord, and I began to birth the placenta. Which was quick and easy, just kinda weird. Then by the very end I was stitched up which was the worst of it all since the epidural began to wear off. But, honestly every ache and discomfort was so worth it in the end. LO was born 10/25 8.2 oz 20.5 inches.
13 hour of induced labor! FTM