sometimes I just can't cope.

In August I found out I was pregnant again for the 3rd time, I was so shocked but happy. 3 pregnancies but no babies😫 I have days where I "cope" and days where I just break down and think "what should of been" "what could've been" "why me".. the pain is unbearable to wonder what you did so wrong to loose someone that meant everything to you,  and from the day you found out they were there inside you, they were your whole world! You ended up speaking to him/her and tell them you love them so much, you can't wait to meet them. And you don't eat unhealthy stuff and you try your hardest for them and give up your bad habits. But even people that will make the best parents and will do anything for their children don't get to blessed. My last pregnancy I lost my baby when I was 10weeks, it was in September. It was the Thursday my pregnancy symptoms just went away all of a sudden? And I just ignored it and thought they'd be back soon and go just enjoy not puking for a while. Then came Friday I took a test still positive I thought ok the baby's fine! Then the Saturday night I could feel the baby I just knew he/she was still with me. Me and my partner were in bed and he kissed my belly and told the baby "daddy loves you jellybean so much" and we went to sleep after saying good night. I woke up around 10am to a weird feeling and all I thought was my baby.. as soon as I woke up. I went for a pee and there was bright red blood.. I went straight to the hospital no second thoughts needed! We went and they took my bloods and I went in with my HCG normal for my weeks. I left with HCG of 314.. he/she left me and caused even more heart break because we honestly thought this what it our miracle.. nobody gets over a loss wether the baby is born or not. It's even harder not knowing why your angel had to leave. But all that eases my mind is my three beautiful babies too perfect for earth are with my great granny and she is taking care of them for me and I will meet them someday. But they'll never understand how much mummy and daddy loved them!😪 I just can't try again, and honestly I'm just hoping someone here has had 3 miscarriages and finally for their rainbow baby because my biggest fear is never being able to have a child. 💔