Methotrexate or Surgery

I am 7 weeks and 2 days today according to my LMP. My cycles are irregular so I don't think I am as far along as they say I am. I believe I am about 5 weeks and 2 days. Methotrexate or surgery for my ectopic pregnancy that they don't see. Those were the options I got today. I have now had two ultrasounds and three rounds of blood work. On Friday 10/28 my HCG was 443 and my US showed nothing in either tube or my uterus. On Sunday 10/30 my HCG had only risen to 448. Today 11/1 my HCG was 465 and my US showed what looked like a sac near my right ovary. I am at a loss of what to do. They said the only way to 100% know if it is ectopic is to do a uterine biopsy before to see if there is any placental tissue in my uterus. If there isn't and in my uterus then it is for sure ectopic. If it is in my uterus they can't find it and they say it's not viable due to my numbers not increasing like they should be. The biopsy is optional and I'm not sure what to do. 😭😭