Sometimes I want to just give up!

My husband and I have been friends for close to 13 years now. For the longest time I only saw him as my friend. He on the other hand wanted to be with me the moment he met me. One day I woke up and just saw him differently. I decided to give him a chance and let him take me on a date. It was the best decision I have ever made. He and I have been together three years. Married for 1! We have been through so many journeys together. One being an ongoing fight to adopt our son. Our son is actually my baby cousin. In 2013 my addict Aunt was pregnant and living on the streets. Making terrible choices and putting an unborn child in danger. At the end of her pregnancy she went into labor in the back of a car. She was up to no good of course. The people she was with hauled butt to a hospital and dropped her and this newborn baby off outside. Doctors decided to test him and found he has 9 different drugs in his little system. CPS stepped in immediately. Now she has 3 other children, at this time in 2013, two of which other members of our family have guardianship of. Her 3rd child she had. So CPS came to my grandmas house and took her as well. Nobody in our family was allowed to see the new baby. If we wanted to we had to take him or he would go to the foster system. I just kept thinking, this baby doesn't deserve this, he didn't ask to be born into this, he needs a voice, a chance. I decided he needed me. Later in life I discovered I needed him. So I went in and got a background check done and I was asked a million questions about me life, money, lifestyle. Next thing I know I have a beautiful little baby in my arms. I decided the minute he was in my arms I was going to foster to adopt him. Which meant I wasn't going to let my Aunt near him. She wasn't going to put that sweet baby in danger again. Not if I had anything to do with it. My husband was my fiancé at this time. We immediately purchased a home and started to get thing in order with this new baby. When our sweet boy was 1 1/2 we went to court against her and the judge granted us guardianship. Can you believe that? They left it open for her to challenge us if she ever gets sober. After what she put that seeet boy through. So let's skip to now. Our life has been a joy. We married in June of 2015. Our little man just had his 3rd birthday! He's beautiful, happy, and healthy.  He's our little hero. The reason we wake up every single day. Now we have been trying to have a baby for a year now and trying to get him adopted. But because the judge left that option open for my Aunt she's giving us the hardest time ever. She refuses to sign over any papers. She gives giving us ultimatums. Threatening me. Being hateful. Telling me that's her child. Not mine. I disagree. I may not have given birth to him biologically but that's my son in every way. I bonded with him. Now my husband and I are ready for another baby. Our sweet boy is even asking for a sibling. I'm lost though. I want another baby so much. I do feel though that if I start that now I'm cheating our toddler out of closing the chapter of adoption. We are at a stop with it and I don't know what to do anymore. I will never give up. He will be ours legally. If we have another baby are we being selfish to our toddler? Should we wait until adoption is done? No matter how long it takes. How could someone be so selfish and not think about a child and his life? I don't understand after everything I've done for this child why my family is being so crazy about this. Sorry my story is all over the place. I'm just looking for advice or encouragement in some way. Thanks for reading.