Vulva, Vagina, and skin connecting and around asshole Peeling?!?

👑 • Forever a Queen ♥♠ Call me.... Alice.
So my entire vulva including clit, the entree to my vagina and up into it a little, ect are peeling skin! The skin attaching my vagina to asshole are peeling as well. All of my skin down there looks white and flaky and it's extremely itchy. I thought I had a yeast infection so I took all of the treatment for it and the itches and pain hasn't gone away at all! It's been itching for I'd say at least a month now, if not longer. What could this be? I thought maybe it could be Lichen sclerosus? Because it sorta looks like many of the pictures I have found online. The pain and itching are driving me nuts! And also.. I gave lost almost ALL feeling down there, except for when I try to put a tampon in, it hurts. (No I am not a virgin.)