nasty rumors

I know it is against the rules to post anon, but because I'm still coping with this event I d like to protect my identity. Please understand, and help me sort through this with your thoughts, views and opinions. 😩 
This girl that I thought was my friend spread a nasty rumor that I had sex voluntarily with the man that sexually assaulted me. The man, who sexually assualted was her former best friend, of ten years and they had a short lived fling where he asked her to come stay with him for a few months in Chicago. She agreed and they engaged in sexual activities with one another, but she was under the pretense that they were exclusive while he was playing the field. I met this man and her as well through my now ex boyfriend, and I became close with the girl, even after my ex broke up with me and we parted ways. I even remained close with her after He assaulted me. I told her immediately what happened, but I always felt like she didn't quite believe me. Recently we had a falling out, and when we reconnected after some time she told me that friends of hers told her that I had sex with (let's call him Pete) I explained to her that those were lies, as I've slept with one person in my 22 years of living and that was my ex. This girl however was and is known to spread lies, twist the truth and she also happens to be a raging alcoholic. I was uneasy trusting her when she told me friends of hers told her this because after some questioning the stories and time frames didn't check out. I even went as far as to message these people only for them to tell me they never spoke to her about me or Pete engaging in any kind of act. In fact, she told them it happened at a local bar.... a bar that Pete was banned from because he raped a girl that was working there. So I confronted her and she blocked me.... on EVERYTHING. She became defensive and hostile and when I'd question anything at all about these so called rumors she would go on and on about how she trusts me and she could never believe it; as if there was any sort of doubt or truth in it to begin with. I think SHE made up the rumors in our falling out, and when we reconnected she decided to convientley tell me about how her friends made it up, just in case it would get back to me; to clear her name so to speak. It just bugs me because she claimed to be my friend, but she made up this nasty lie to hurt me. I'd also like to mention, I feel she had motive to do so because Pete got ahold of my number, and began to message me, asking me to hook up and hang out, and telling me he wanted to see me. Because she was my best friend I told her about his incessant attempts to sleep with me, she would laugh it off like it was nothing but I think she was more bothered by it then she let on. Especially because when she attempted to reach out to her, minutes after he messaged me and I ignored it, he ignored her and when she tried again he sent her a nasty message telling her in so many words to fuck off and that she was blocked for good. I'm thinking maybe she spread these lies out of anger; or jealousy? Let me know your thoughts. Also Pete is 47, I don't know if that's relevant, but he's much older than me, even older than my dad. The girl I was friends with let's call her Kim, is like 35 I think? My ex was 23, only a year older than me. He was my first anything and everything and she knows how much I loved him, she knew more than anyone what he meant to me, that's also why I find it crazy that she's for a second believe I slept with Pete.