Babygirls Arrival❤️🎀

i know i'm a little late posting, but babygirl made her arrival October 24,2016 so i guess she's no longer a november baby! but i went into the hospital for monitoring that sunday due to having low fluid levels and the baby had stopped growing.. they did an ultrasound test and she needed to score an 8/8 and she scored a 0/8 and had zero movement on the ultrasound. the nurses came after the ultrasound and said there was a very good chance i would be getting induced.. and i was scared to death only being 37 weeks exactly... she then gave me a cervical exam and said i was only a fingertip dilated and walked out of the room.. instantly after, i lost pieces of my mucus plug and regular contractions began on the own. the nurse came in with the dr after looking over my ultrasound results and said we would start the induction being only a fingertip dilated and a first time mom we thought i would be in labor for 18-24 hours. at midnight they checked me and i was at a 3 so the nurse performed a membrane sweep and things got real, fast. she left the room and about 5 minutes later i called her in to call the anesthesiologist to prep the epidural because things were getting horribly intense. about 30 minutes later the anesthesiologist arrived and i was at a 5 and opted to get the epidural. i then finally got some sleep and they woke me up at around 5:30am because babygirl was not doing well when we cranked up the pitocin and they needed me on oxygen they checked me and i was then at an 8. instantly after she walked out the room my water broke! within 3 minutes i went from an 8 to 10 and ready to push! we had to wait forever for the dr but 7 hours of labor and 7 pushes later she was born at 6:29am weighing 5lbs 11oz and 18 1/4 in long. ❤️ Me being 16 and a first time mom with induction everyone said they couldn't believe how well i had done. although we weren't expecting you're arrival yet, so happy to say she was perfectly healthy and came home with us 2 days later. She is now 2 weeks old today!