Looking for thoughts, or your advice.

Xana • Linlee Danielle 💓👶🏻
As many of you know, my fiance and I were trying to conceive. I took a test which looked as of positive, then took a couple more a few weeks after that which turned out being negative. At first we were both very upset and heartbroken. But as I thought about the situation more, we have come to agreement that right now wouldn't be the best time to bring another human being into our lives. We are both not ready, and I feel as if we both need to work on things together step by step before we try conceiving again. I'm going to accomplish getting a job, my drivers license/vehicle, getting an apartment, and finishing my senior year/college course that I'm taking. My fiance is planning on taking more certifications in college so that he can get a better job and make more money. Being said, my cousin and her fiance are having a baby on the way, and we had talked about getting pregnant together.. I don't want her upset, so please I need any advice or thoughts as to if I'm doing what is right or not. Also, if there is any young mom's out there please feel free to let me know about your experiences and how things worked/work out for you.