ectopic pregnancy?

So 5 days ago I took a opk because I was coming up on my O day (boobs was hurting) so I said dang... I gues I'm going to o early . Let me flash back a little had a regular period September 28 thought that it was my cycle because I kept getting faints on wondofo had blood work was negative  so I said ok maybe my fault isn't really a faint or a chemical . Period came two days later.  Now October period came the 28 but only lasted four days coming up on my o date I was starting to test because my boobs was hurting at this point I am cd11 with a blazing positive opk this never happened befor so I took a dollar store test and it was blazing positive as well. At this point I'm live wow how . I was confused but was happy. So I took a digital that I had and it came out positive 2-3weeks so now I'm thinkng my period for oct wasn't really a period or something is wrong . I let my dr know everything that is going on so she sends me for blood work . I requested progesterone also because in may I had an early mc at 5w6d due to love hcg and low progesterone. Anyway Beta came back at 1888wow omg I can't believer it was sent back two days later for another blood draw and today while at the ultrasound they revealed that my levels are rising because hcg is at 3200 I get a little hopeful but this damn pcos is kicking my ass ....... during the ultrasound I am basically in tears because they not really saying anything to me but after the dr says I a little concerned about the pregnancy with your levels we should've been able to see at least a yolk sac but they seen nothing in the uterus.heart dropped . The dr is concerned with something they see close to the left tube or ovary I can't even remember because I was all shaken up . 1st thing tomorrow I am going to get blood work done  again and Sunday I have another ultrasound . Please pray for me y'all. I am not having any cramping at all . Just pray 
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Posted at
Hiya, I know it’s a little out of date but can you update what happened after? Thanks


Babydust✨👶🏾👣 • Aug 14, 2019
I did in fact have an ectopic pregnancy. I dealt with it for over 20 weeks as my hcg levels continued to grow despite the methotrexate dosages I received. I ultimately had to go the a surgery to remove the pregnancy and my Fallopian tube.


Posted at
I'm praying for you Hun x


Babydust✨👶🏾👣 • Nov 11, 2016
Thank you


Posted at
I had an tubal pregnancy in February, my levels were 3200 and I was bleeding nonstop and always had pain on my left side.. Went in cause something didn't feel right.. Ended up having emergency surgery cause I was bleeding internally and lost my left tube as well.. Good luck to you though. 


Babydust✨👶🏾👣 • Nov 11, 2016
I'm so sorry . I'm not in any pain at all ... I'm just confused omg