My baby is here - it's a GIRL


My baby is here - it's a GIRL!!!

Cambria (middle name still to come)

Born 11-16-16

20 inches long

7 lbs 15.5 oz

38 weeks + 5 days

Yesterday was my appointment. I asked to have my membranes swept, since I carry big babies, and he did. Nothing seemed to start. Slept good until about 5:15am when my waters broke. I wasn't 100% sure, but it was. This worked out perfectly as husband's alarm went off about then, so he knew not to go to work. We checked in at 6:16am because we knew that I was GBS+. However, I wasn't having many contractions and no one was in a hurry to admit me. I think around 10am I was in a room with the IV started. Around noon my doctor said we need to do pitocin to get things moving. I had gotten super itchy from the Vancomycin, but was able to finish the dose. The pitocin started at 1pm and they upped it every half hour. I decided to get an epidural in case things were going to continue taking a while. I wanted to make sure that I asked before it got too bad. Well, I was probably already close to pushing, but they got it in and told me to breathe through until the doctor could come over. He said he ran because he knew this was my 3rd and I can go fast. I pushed through 2 to 3 full contractions slowly to try to stretch more, but since I have torn before, I tore again. I could watch her being born and that was incredible. I think I got 12 or so stitches... also saw the whole placenta, which has never happened before. I feel great, except the cramps are pretty intense, though they come and go. Praising God for our newest blessing!!! Big brother thinks she is so cute (he doesn't seem too disappointed to have another sister). Big sister is in love and doesn't want the baby to cry ever. Daddy is super proud, and my heart is full! ♡♡♡♡♡