am I being selfish?

So on Monday at 1:15 am my water broke & i was only 27w3d. We came to the hospital only to find out that I wouldn't be able to leave and be on bed rest until the baby is born, which they're wanting him to wait until 34w before his arrival. Anyway, ever since I've been in here, my fiancé has hardly spent any time with me. Monday, he had to work all day, which is excusable and he ended up leaving a little early to get back to me. He came here and was asleep about an hour and a half later. Tuesday, as soon as he woke up he had to leave to go get us some money to eat and stuff, which is fine, but he spent all day out with his friend and got back about 8:30 and was in bed by 10. Wednesday, he left as soon as he got up again because he and his friend were going fishing and drinking beer so he didn't get back until 8:30 again and, once again, in bed an hour or so later. Then today, he had to leave to meet maintenance at our apartment, which is fine again, but now he is saying he has to help his friend fix his car. I just feel like I get. I support from him whatsoever and he feels that him being here every night to sleep is enough. I'm trying to be understanding because I know hospitals aren't fun, but I feel like if it were him in here miserable, I would be with him every chance I could. I just feel as if he couldn't care less about me and my feelings. I'm trying to be understanding but it's so hard. Sorry this is so long, I just needed to rant!! 😥😡😭😭😭😭
I just hope it changes soon! I don't wanna be here anymore than he does!!!