I'm so hurt!

My fiancé won't let me spend $15,000 on our wedding! I am truly sickened! The average wedding is $30,000 where we live and he won't even let me spend half of that! Idk what to do. I have tried to convince him. I've tried crying to get him to see how hurt he is making me. He's made a budget of $7,000. Wtf do I do with that! We only get married once. I always wanted to do a princess wedding in a cute country house. How do I get a cake, tuxes, decor, my dress, the rental for $7,000. And before you jump on me about being spoiled. Yes but that's his fault and now he wants to have restraints. The rental alone is $5,000 and that is discounted and doesn't even include the cost of food or chairs :(. He told me I could plan this whole wedding and spend whatever I want and now that it's time to spend he has changed his mind :( I'm so sad.