A's&B's have taken my son


Henry and Claire were born on the 14th and were taken to the NICU they were 35+4. Since then i have been promised twice that i would finally have both my babies home. Once when Claire was released on the 25th and then today. I am starting to feel numb. A part of me says just do what you can and care for and love the baby who is home with you now. I feel like Henry is getting the short end of the straw here. I have Claire everyday,I can love on her, talk to her, cuddle her, and bond with her. I cant do that with Henry. The most human contact he gets are when they change, feed, and then put him back to bed. No cuddling, talking to, and lovins. I feel guilty because of this. I cant go see him like i would want to because Claire isnt allowed to go back into his room with me. Its even affecting my pumping my milk for them. I can nurse Claire but today i had the thought of why do i continue to pump for him when they could just give him formula.

Is this all normal baby blues or do i have a serious problem here?