TTC + New Job?

So to make a long, crazy story short. My hubby and I got pregnant a little over a month ago but it ended shortly (chemical pregnancy). Right afterwards (literally like the next day), I was offered a job I had been wanting for a while. I've working this job for about a month now and I'm LOVING it. We took the last month off of TTC because of this (used protection). We're both so ready to start a family. We've put it off for about a year now for different reasons (finances, went on a mission trip, Zika, etc). So now it kind of feels like this is just one more thing that's happened to push it back. I want to be good at this job and focus on it. But I'm also anxious to get back to TTC, as is my hubby. Hubby is ready to start now. I know this is a choice only we can make. We've been doing lots of praying about it. Just wondering if anybody had any advice :)