4 weeks 4 days, no symptoms.

Myndria • 26. Registered Nurse, BSN. Married. Christian. One baby 8/17/17. With another on the way April 2019. PNW.
Ladies, anybody with me and not experiencing very many symptoms at 4 weeks?
I had a recent missed miscarriage in October and got pregnant straight away within a month span. We are very excited. However, I can't help but to feel apprehensive and scared. Dealing with the fear of possibly having another miscarriage is taking away from the joy of being pregnant again. I analyze everything now. I'm constantly checking my urine for blood. Anytime I wipe, I'm checking the tissue for blood. I scrutinize every cramp or twinge. I'm checking my boobs constantly to see if they are sore. I'm four weeks and four days now.  (Yes I realize it is still very early). But I feel normal, my energy level has stayed about the same, my breast are not sore, No nausea. With my last pregnany I had symptoms right away. The only symptoms I'm having is occasional light cramping and a twinge on the right side of my abdomen. Which is could be an indication of something good or bad. Yes, I realize that every pregnancy is different, but I just need something tangible in order to feel like everything is "ok". Having to wait for an ultrasound, or the appearance of sympoms is agonizing when all you want to do is celebrate your pregnancy. I know there are countless women out there who have had miscarriages and are experiencing everything I'm going through. I feel for you, let's support, inspire, and lift each other up. 
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Posted at
I had three miscarriages in the span of 2017, and am now successfully pregnant at nearly 10 weeks. I know how terrifying it is! I swear at 4 weeks I was testing like every other day because I also had no symptoms! But right around 5 weeks I began throwing up. I threw up 5-15 times a day for the last month. Now I'm just exhausted. I remember being so worried. Then the symptoms started and I was so jealous of everyone that wasn't sick 24/7! I promise- what's going to happen with a miscarriage is going to happen on its own, unfortunately. No need to worry or stress yourself anymore than you already are! You can't change the outcome either way, just try to stay positive the best you can!


Posted at
I bare the same sentiments had a miscarriage last November but we have to trust God


Posted at
Same here...i had two miscarriages 3 years ago...n nw pregnnt for 6 weeks...its not necessary to have pregnncy symptoms for every woman...just relax about it n the cramps...it is normal


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I’m in the same boat. My daughter I felt terrible around mid week of week 4, and here I am in mid week 4 feeling NOTHING except being a little snappy. It too is freaking me out and making me feel like something is “wrong” but I am trying to remember it’s really really early, and every single pregnancy is different!


Posted at
What happened with this? I'm experiencing the same thing.


Amber • Oct 18, 2018
@Cassidy No, we're not finding out gender until birth 😊 I'm so excited.


Cassidy • Sep 16, 2018
I’m 6 and a half weeks now and definitely noticing the sickness starting up. Hope it doesn’t get too much worse!! Have you found out if it’s a boy or girl?


Amber • Sep 16, 2018
@Cassidy I started getting stronger symptoms around 8 weeks especially the sickness! My lines eventually darkened a week later. My first ones looked negative to my husband. But I am now 28 weeks pregnant!


Posted at
That early you probably won't feel anything. Most people get symptoms around 6 weeks. But symptoms don't actually mean much. Some people get them all, some people hardly get so much as sore boobs.