Gestational diabetes and sleeping situation 3rd tri

Amanda Mom of 2 and #3 on the way

Two things

1. I failed my one hour glucose test. I'm not even a person who likes sugar! In fact I hate it and only tolerate small amounts on few occassions. Worried about that. Going to take the 3 hr test Friday 🙏 praying it goes well.

- what happens if I fail that one? Rx?

2. I am having a hard time finding a comfy sleep position. I was a back sleeper. Started being on my side when I was gaining weight. Gosh darn it, it hurts my hips like the Dickens!! I have to switch sides a lot. Making my sleep very inconsistent and I am so tired during the day. I even have a body pillow. Like the one that goes behind your back too. Not too helpful. The best sleep I got was when I fell asleep on the couch and it was devine 👌. What do you former back sleepers do? Does anyone else feel like thier hip bones are about to rip through the skin??

Additional info

28 weeks and 3 days.

Weight gain 〰 16 lbs