13dpo Femara/Trigger Shot

Just have to vent; I'm sure other ladies have been in my position and know the fresh frustrations all too well. Been TTC 1.5 years now and DH and I started our first round of Femara on 11/13, 5 day course on days 4-8. We had a 2 follicles, one 19 and one 13. We got the trigger shot (ovidrel 250) on 11/22 and BD'd 22 and 24 (per RE suggestion). Now I'm 14 dp trigger shot and 13dpo roughly. Tested this morning and BFN. My heart is broken. I know I'm naive for believing that the first round would work. But I'm so frustrated with this process. I always feel like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. And I can never trust my body anymore, because the drugs mimick all of the symptoms I'm looking for. I just had to get this off my chest and vent to women who would understand. Baby dust to you all ✨💕