OPK's / Advanced OPK's Are Driving me Crazy!!!!!!

OK I hope I'm not the only one. So I've been using some cheapie OPK's from Amazon and they been working good they were right along with the advanced OPK's I was taking from Clearblue easy digital. They both were saying negative yesterday but the cheap he was getting a little bit darker on the line. I've had egg whites CM for three days now and my cervix today just opened a little bit. So my Clearblue easy I got the smiley face it stays for two days.  I got positives on the cheapies this morning at 7:30 AM. But when I retested from my third P of the day not sure length I held it. In a separate event clear really easy OPK reader I did a new test and it showed a O which means low fertility. I don't freaking understand how can this morning I get a :-) it stays for two days and this afternoon I get nothing. This is driving me crazy I just want to know when I ovulate. Anyone else have any of these problems?? 
A little background going 2/3 months TTC i'm using OPK's event OPK's cervix position and service me kids and I'm also taking my BBT every morning at 5:30. Some morning it's a few minutes earlier or like this morning and 1hr later. I'm pretty good at doing it right at 5:30 or 525. This is baby number four for me baby number two for my hubby. We've been together seven years married five. Our daughter is 5 1/2. I got my IUD removed in October. This is my second actual period cycle though. I'm just looking for a positive helpful comments from anyone who is experienced or through someone else's experience if she's at OPK's. As I am not an expert I've only been using them for two cycles now well for one cycle and the beginning part of the cycle. Also I believe I am on cd 12 I have 31 days cycles it's odd I'm ovulating so early because last month I ovulated on cd 18. Thanks everyone sorry that it ended up being so long thank you for taking the time to read it through. :)  **Baby Dust** to All **