how to save my relationship when it's my fault it's failing

I love my boyfriend, I really do. But he's being a real asshole over sex. For the past few months I stopped taking birth control because it's just not that good for a woman's body. My sex drive has drastically decreased though. My boyfriend wants to have sex whenever he wants to have sex and sometimes I just really don't want to have sex! If we had sex whenever he wanted, we'd do it every day and that's just not my wave. I'm attracted to him but he doesn't have the best hygiene and sometimes when he wants to have sex his breath smells or his skin tastes salty or his face is like greasy. I want to tell him these things but they'll upset him. I know they will because sometimes when I give in and get ready to have sex with him, I'll tell him that I'd like him to wash his hands. He almost always gets upset and does it, but tells me I'm killing the mood. The last time, he was about to finger me but I told him he needed to wash his hands. He told me that I killed his vibe and now he didn't want to have sex. This irritated me because I don't know what's the big deal of me wanting the fingers that are going inside me to be clean but I didn't want to have sex that much anyway so I shrugged it off. I am very into the habit of washing my hands because I used to be a waitress, but he will go all day without washing his hands. Honestly his etiquette and attitude towards sex makes me not want to have sex even more. Sometimes I'll ask him to wear a condom and he just won't even do it. I'll ask is he gonna put it on and he'll say no. Last night I was drunk and told him that it wouldn't work because it's hard to arouse me when I've been drinking. Of course he didn't listen. I told him to at least wear acknfom because I'm spotting and he put it on, tried to enter me which of course is hurting me because I'm drunk and probably dehydrated so he stops and takes the I don off and tries to try again and I'm like no I told you to wear a condom! So now he's wasted a perfectly good condom and is totally disregarding my wishes. He got upset and slept on the couch. We live together and today he told me that I need to move out so that he won't want to have sex so much. Thats his idea of compromise. I'll do it, but I brought up that when we do decide to live together again, then what. He said honestly that vision doesn't seem realistic in his eyes so basically he's saying he doesn't see us living together again in the future. I took that as a break up and said that there's no point in working it out then if you don't see us working out in the future and he agreed. Idk what kind of advice I'm asking for I just want to know what anyone has to say.