Owlet 🙌

We've had the Owlet for around 7 months, my daughter is almost 10 months old. We've had to deal with alarms, mainly with the Bluetooth connection, which honestly I've become so used to it doesn't bother me (happens a few times a week). Rarely we get Yellow alarms which I blame myself for cause it has to do with the sock not being on properly but those never bother me either. The other night though we had a Red alarm, which only happened once when our daughter was 3 months old. It sounds so crazy, my SO went to check on her and she was sleeping on her face...I'm so happy and grateful for that freakin alarm and Owlet in general. I know they do not claim to stop SIDS since the cause is still unknown but I'm so happy it warned us about her suffocating herself. We are doing a payment plan, I know a lot of people claim it's overpriced but honestly compared to other baby items I've seen, it's totally worth it.