
So as some of you know I was recently freaking out because my babies heart beat was 100 at 6 weeks. My OB said it was really low and that I possibly could've had a miscarriage, they couldn't get me in for an ultra sound for another week so she said if anything happens to go to the ER. Well 6 hours ago I was getting ready and I completely blacked out and woke up with TERRIBLE cramps, I went to the ER and it was just do to being dehydrated and the fact that I was in a steamy bathroom, they did and ultra sound and my baby was PERFECT. The heart beat was 178 and I'm 8 weeks and 2 days. The point of this post is that people aren't always right. 2 doctors at the ER said women at 6 weeks normally have a babies heart beat at 120 or over but that anywhere between 90-110 is perfectly normal. Don't listen to anyone if they tell you that 100 is too low. I promise you it's not. Please if you're going to be ignorant on my post please don't comment. This is just to comfort other women who went through what I did. I deleted my last post due to stupidity lmfao. My horomones are raging!!!😡😂