Feeling like giving up..

I seen a post a moment ago that I related to completely. It seems like no matter how much I try it seems it's not likely for me to get pregnant. Honestly, it discourages me very much. All I want in life is to have a cute little family with the man I absolutely love to death. I know he wants kids in his future, but I don't feel like I can even have kids. If I had the money or insurance to go to a doctor and see if there was something wrong with me or if I can even have kids I would go in a heartbeat. Unfortunately that's not the case. It breaks the hell out of my heart. I see my siblings and their kids and it makes me feel empty because I would just love to have a piece of me and my partner into a little angel. I'm a week late on my period and two pregnancy test later, still a big fat negative. I've been taking prenatal vitamins because I read it could help out in the process of trying to conceive. I just don't know what more I can do. I mean maybe it's just a sign that I'm not ready? But either way, it's still depressing for me. All I want is a little family. 😔