O'Douls Non-Alcoholic Beer During Pregnancy

So last night we went to my in-laws for a little party and they were kind enough to buy me O'Douls n/a beer. I was thrilled because I truly love the taste of beer- especially with a steak 😋. 
After taking a few sips- I look closer at the bottle and it reads, "contains 0.5% alcohol." I literally almost spit the remaining beer in my mouth across the table in front of everyone. 
I didn't want to be rude so I didn't freak out or throw it away...but I was super anxious that I was hurting my little girl. My mother in-law is a Public Health Nurse and she was the one who was pushing it the most...so part of me was at ease knowing she would not intentionally cause harm.
But because I'm me- I'm still worried. Is one O'Douls going to cause some damage? Has anyone else had a supposedly "n/a" drink during pregnancy? Should I be concerned?