I want some opinions? please?

Okay, so i have a little "problem", it's not really a problem but I don't know how to word it. 
I am quite a sexual person, but I lack any kind of experience. I've had some encounters with guys, that started to turn sexual after a while. I have a very sexual mind, and would have loved it if we were to go further than the little things we did, but I am very shy when it comes to actually telling the person I want to do that what's on my mind. Because of this, I always go a little awkward when they ask what next. If they'd take the initiative I would gladly follow, but me, the "feminist" I am, doesnt want everything the come from the guy, as I have quite the dominant mind. So, does anyone maybe have an idea how i can help this? If nobody has, thank you for reading my story. 
(I did not add an age because I don't want it affecting your opinions, I assure you it's all legal xD)