Accidental birth at home!

GTO 🇲🇽 • Mother to the best son in the world ♥️ Rest Easy ❌❌❌
Holy crap! My sister in law was due the 19th of January but right around 10pm on the 1st she was getting contractions so she went to the hospital. They kept her for about a hour and told her she was having false contractions, gave her a shot of morphine and sent her home. She said she continued to have pain throughout the night and at 8am yesterday morning she felt like she had to push. She went to the bathroom and OUT CAME THE BABY!!! I never thought that would happen to someone that I know!!! She said she and her husband were terrified! She has a 8 year old son and he called 911 and said her mom just had a baby and they need a ambulance to get them. He is a healthy 7lb boy. That's the best picture I could get, we were trying to get a picture of him and my 3 month son together but it just wasn't happening. I have to give her props. I would of passed out. That is such a scary situation!!! The hospital should of believed her!!