Insight ladies please

My husband has been distant lately and alot of it has to do with family issues with his mom and her boyfriend. He's been really distant lately. Hardly saying two words to me and barely kissing me let alone do we have sex often since this has been happening. I've tried giving him his space and been there for him when he needed me, but now I feel like we're growing apart. I feel like we're just coexisting and not married. I don't feel loved by him and I feel he's with me just to be with me. He tells me he loves me but never shows it. I don't ever receive affection anymore and his friends have been ask8ng me here lately if we're ok. I'm to the point now where I feel like Im wasting my time because when I try and talk to him about it I always get the same answer "If I didnt want you to be around then you wouldn't be here." He never shows me and I never get affection anymore. This has been going on for a few months and Im tired of it. I've tried being there for him and he acts like I'm getting on his nerves. I don't know what to do anymore.. Advice would greatly be appreciated