two week wait

Hey everyone! New to this. Hubby and I are finally (after three years of marriage) trying for our first together. I have a nine year old son from a previous relationship. We are 9 months in and nothing! This two week wait will make you crazy! I'm just curious if anyone is in a similar situation. Last AF dec 11 lasted three days. I have an average of 31 day cycle. This time we BD all around the positive OPK but it stayed positive for three days! And now I'm having NONE of my usual PMs symptoms. I usually have very sore swollen BB by now and nothing. I'm so afraid we missed the mark and I'm ovulating later than the predictor.  I should add I'm 33 so time is if the essence! I'm losing my mind. I should be 4 DPO right now and I don't know what to think!