I think I'm in early, early labor, or it's going to start soon!

I've been feeling off all day, I slept in until noon and even then I didn't want to wake up. I've been tired but I've never done that throughout this pregnancy, it was very unusual for me. Then I was really nauseous and had a low appetite all day. I was extremely emotional, which seems normal but not for the circumstances. I took my son to the mall and we walked around for a bit and when I came back home we took a bath and I just felt really off. I don't know how to explain it. I packed our bags for the birthing center and got everything ready as if we were going to have to leave tonight. I even laid puppy pads over my bed just in case my water breaks. I'm so restless. I've only had an hour of sleep, if even. There's this constant pinching feeling in my cervix and lower back, and normally I'd be having BH, as I have them EVERY night, but tonight they have yet to make their appearance. And the baby has literally just dropped, I can see it and feel it. Her head feels like it's bursting through my vagina. Also, I can't breathe for the life of me! I feel like my lungs aren't working and I can't catch my breath. I feel like I'm either going to suffocate or pass out, it's really weird and kind of upsetting. I just feel very off and restless and I feel like she's going to be here very, very soon. I can't relax. I just want my water to break so I can be 100% sure instead of being so restless and waiting on edge. My intuition just keeps telling me she's going to come. I'm 37 weeks now, thank goodness. My fingers are crossed. I hope these feelings are right. 
Update: I've only had 2 hours of sleep but before I fell asleep I started having contractions that were 4 minutes apart lasting 1 minute, mildly painful. It wasn't like my usual braxton hicks, I could feel it in my back. It also created a nauseous/about to puke feeling. I woke up to my midwife calling me because I sent her a text about it at 4 in the morning. I'd lost track of the frequency of contractions because I was sleeping but I know I was having them all throughout my sleep since they kind of woke me up each time. I don't think I'm going to be able to get to sleep again, my 3 year old's awake and my fiancé refuses to wake up. 🙄 The contractions aren't 4 minutes apart anymore but they're definitely a bit more painful. I don't think these are braxton hicks. I'll update again if things start to get moving and I start active labor.
My contractions dissipated by morning except for a few occasional ones, infrequent and no pattern but gosh, were they painful! My midwife called me and told me that it wasn't labor and this is likely going to happen every night until true labor. I have an appointment on Tuesday and she will check to see if I've progressed and dilated any more. I'm really disappointed. I don't know how I'm going to deal with getting pain like this every night. It felt like real early labor, no joke. My midwife told me to stay very hydrated and sleep as much as possible. She seemed optimistic that it'll only be a few days now before the baby is here. It's a painful (literally) waiting game.  This isn't going to be fun. ☹️