clomid when I already ovulate

Megan🦄 • BFP: 2/23/17 expecting twins November 2017! B/G twins born 10/10/2017
We're in our 15th cycle ttc and our 2nd cycle seeing a fertility specialist. First round clomid. I've had tons of blood work, an hsg test, a post coital, and 4-5 ultrasounds. No problems anywhere (including DH). Last cycle I had follicles that grew to the appropriate size and I ovulated on the day I was projected to. I've been doing OPK's the entire time and I seem to ovulate like clockwork. 
If my follicles are growing and I'm definitely ovulating, will clomid do anything? Discouraged and broke because our insurance doesn't cover fertility treatments so I've spent $2k out of pocket in the last 2 months. We don't have that kind of money to spend.