changing baby's name?

Background: I'm a young mother and my baby was going to be adopted. I ended up changing my mind after she was born and am now raising her. She is only 3 weeks old rn. When she was born and they asked me for her name I gave them the name that the adoptive parents picked out because I had not changed my mind yet. I already wasn't the biggest fan of this name at the end of the pregnancy, but figured she was theres and wanted to just keep my mouth shut. Now I'm three weeks in and I literally call her every nickname I can but never call her by her name, I'm just not in love with it. I feel like it makes it harder for me to move past this, and having PPD I feel like I'm not bonding with her and wonder if changing her name would help. 
On the other hand EVERYONE already knows her by this name including myself and I feel like I can't justify giving her a different name to my family. I don't even know how I'd go about changing it or if I really want to, I just know I'm not in love with her name right now. I also have a hard time trying to picture her with other names.