Need Positive Vibes!

We have been trying for almost a year since my surgery to remove a tumor and endometriosis on my uterus. First few months not preventing last 6 months actively trying. I have been able to tell by the pain that my endo has started coming back since a few months ago. I'm PRAYING this is my month though. I havent had any typical prego symptoms but have been EXTREMELY bloated for about 5 days. Im talking miserably bloated and look like im 4 months pregnant. I also have been constipated (tmi) and am typically very regular. I also dont ever get too bloated during period. I was supposed to get AF yesterday and didn't. I also have had zero cramps. This is odd because having endometriosis I'm usually on my knees in pain at least a day or 2 before AF even arrives. The lack of AF cramps is throwing me off and making me hope! I did get a bfn yesterday so I'm probably out but just asking for positive Vibes that these different symptoms from usual are the real thing!!!!