it's so hurtful

So my boyfriend and I broke up on Monday after being together almost three years. He's allowing me to still live with him since I have absolutely no family here and don't want to move back home. You'd think after everything we've been through he'd at least talk to me and see how I'm doing. But no he lays asleep in back next to me every night and if he touches me he gets closer to the edge of the bed. He won't look at me or talk to me face to face. We only talk if I text him. He won't text me first. I can honestly say this is killing me but I know it's for the better and it's time to get out there and live life. I'm done feeling sorry for myself, I'm done crying over him. I'm ready to live and grow. Tomorrow I'm supposed to go out with a friend and I'm beyond nervous because it's been three years since I've been out with a guy (even as a friend) this is the first step in growing and I can happily say I feel at ease and when I see my ex I no longer cry. I miss being held at night and called bae and told I love you but I don't need him.! I need to love myself and enjoy the life I as given. 
*there is no point in this message I am just finally able to write in words how my life is going*