I'm sorry if this post doesn't belong here, but I would appreciate your input please!

I'm truly sorry if anyone get annoyed that I'm posting this here, I'm not sure if it's considered controversial..
I'm 21 and miscarried in June at 13 weeks. My blood work came back high risk for trisomy 13/18. The chances were 1 in 5, which is the risk someone in their 40s would have. I was terrified because I was going through this alone, baby daddy wanted no part in it (we were in a different t situation then, much different and much better now) and I've never been pregnant before so it was really scary. Just a few days prior to getting the call about the blood work, I was given a sonogram and my baby had a heartbeat and was wiggling all around. I had a scheduled CVS test for the next day. On the ultrasound, it showed the baby no longer had a heartbeat and said it was most likely because of the trisomy. 
What scares me the most is getting pregnant again. I don't ever want to go through that again, it was so emotionally damaging and so painful. I had a d&c done a few days later. Laying there, having them prepare me for the operation with the oxygen mask and IV and getting ready to give me the anesthesia, I cried so much. I was scared for the d&c and upset because I knew when I woke up I wouldn't have my baby inside me anymore. 
I don't know why my blood work came back so high risk, I'm healthy and young but I think it's something that happens at the time of conception. So I was wondering if anyone has been through this, got pregnant again and had a healthy, full term pregnancy? Since I miscarried and my blood work came back high risk, will my next pregnancy be consisted high risk? Is it more likely now that I will run into complications in pregnancy?
As scared as I am about it, I want nothing more than to have a baby. I'm ready and hopeful, but just so terrified.