he thinks I'm embarrassed of him

So my boyfriend and I have been together almost 8 months now. He just met my mom a week ago. Now tho I feel this is irrelevant but this may be particularly why. My bf is Hispanic and as you can see I'm black. He told me the other day that he feels like I'm embarrassed of him cause he hasn't met my family or friends. Given this is my first interracial relationship. I honestly am not embarrassed of him but I feel bad that he feels this way. I think he's the most amazing guy ever. So I guess I'm just wondering how long is too long to date someone with introducing them to your family and friends? How do I make him not feel like that? I'm new to this interracial love. No lie for a while the dirty looks we use to get when we went out in the beginning bothered me but now I could careless. I see him for who he is not what he is. I just want him to know that. What should I do?