Cheated on husband with a woman

I've been married about a year and a half. Mostly everything is good, our sex life is lacking a little but I think that mostly has to do with my drive. Anyway, this past weekend I went out with some girls from work. We ended up at a gay club (two of my coworkers are lesbians) and all got really drunk. Somehow I ended up at my one straight coworkers apartment and we had sex. Honestly, I don't really remember much, it's very in and out. I know what I did was wrong and that my husband would still consider it cheating and I know I should tell him but I just can't bring myself to do it. This girl is one of my best friends and my best work buddy, we both just kind of shook our heads about it and aren't letting it affect our friendship. I don't want to tell my husband because I'm not sure he'd be ok with me being friends with her still and I wouldn't blame him. I also don't really know what to say. I have no idea why or how it happened and I know he'll want answers. Has anyone else been in a situation like this? Please don't be judgy, if you're going to be rude keep it to yourself. I just need to feel like I'm not the only person who has been in this situation.
