Trying to lose weight

Hey guys, so according to my BMI I'm "obese" and I definitely need to get my butt into gear and lose weight. My husband and I are trying to conceive and I know lowering my BMI will help with that and it will help solve my NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). But I just don't know where to start. I work a part time job but it's still 4-5 days a week and 8 hour shifts. I work in retail so I do a lot of standing and walking and by the time I get home I'm exhausted. Is there any tips of what I can do to start and make this adjustment easier?
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Eat right first second try to walk at least half hour 3 days a week at the least. Make sure to stay hydrated and kick all sugar drinks like soda! Minimize starches. Look up the paleo diet. It's basically cutting out starches , dairy and bread (carbs). Everything else you can eat as much as you want. I know someone who went down 2 shirt sizes and got off high blood pressure medicine because of it. There is this rubber band thing (not sure what to call it) that is easy and you can do quick works outs before work. Even if it's only weekends it's something. 


y • Jan 21, 2017
You're welcome. Hope everything works out 😊


Jasmine • Jan 20, 2017
Thank you Kelsey! I'll definitely check that out! It sounds just like the diet I need to be on for my FLD


Posted at
Nutrition is huge. I've been using a nutritional system for two years now and have lost 40 lbs anc maintained it. I'd be happy to share some info with you!


Tarla-Rae • Jan 20, 2017
I felt the same way! The good news is that it works AND there's a moneyback guarantee, so no risk! Are you on FB? I can send you some info on there.


Jasmine • Jan 20, 2017
I've been thinking about trying a meal plan but I don't want to risk wasting any money. I'd love to hear about it!!


Posted at
BBG - bikini body guide by Kayla itsines. You can look her up on Instagram she's a very good trainer/nutrition specialist. I've seen so many girls transformation and its amazing! I've never tried to loose weight or diet so I can't give any personal advice BUT give a glance at kayla's training. Good luck to you on your journey! And baby dust 😊 


Jasmine • Jan 20, 2017
Definitely will check out tonight! Thank you!!! Baby dust all around!!!


Posted at
Nutrition is a big part so if you can plan out your healthy meals and drink LOTS of water it helps a lot.  Start off small like going for walks during your lunch breaks. You can always find time to work out during your off days.  Start small so at least you get started and you'll find your flow. Good luck!


Jasmine • Jan 20, 2017
Thank you!! Good advice. I drink water every day luckily and with the FLD I needed to change my diet anyway. Lots of greens!


Posted at
Download the app my fitness pal to track your calories and workouts. I've lost over 10 lbs since new years by using it.


Jasmine • Jan 20, 2017
I have tried that and I kept at for about 2 months. I just got way too overwhelmed with having to log everything every day. But it was a great app.