Finally diagnosed with PCOS!

Hi everyone! This is my first time posting so be nice 😛
After a blood test suggesting PCOS I've just had an ultrasound that was able to confirm that I do indeed have it. But this is actually a MASSIVE relief, you don't even know. I've had issues with my periods since I was 16 and since then I've gained weight, my facial hair is actually getting out of control and my periods have been absolutely horrific (so irregular that I'll have none for months and then one for an entire month, not to mention so heavy and painful, giving me fevers and aches). 
So I'm glad that now I have an answer and that we can start trying to do something about it. I'm only 21 so the facial hair has actually been the biggest problem for me as I'm not yet worried about having children. But all the thick hairs, ingrown hairs and scarring on my neck and chin just knocks my confidence like nothing else.
So yeah, just wanted to share. Thanks everyone!Â