My little man didn't wanna come out...he had to be force evicted 😂

Here is a little story of how I had to evict my little boy out of me 
My due date was 5th Jan, I was tired and feeling like a whale (there was a lot of fluid around the baby). On the 9th Jan I decided I had to get things going. I tried walking, having sex, eating spicy food....nothing! Then I heard pineapple helps with the water breaking. Without second thought I had some slices of pineapple. Around 3:30am my water broke! I was so happy and excited that I'm going to be having the baby within 24hrs. But little did I know, when I got to hospital they didn't do anything till after 30hrs of my water breaking. They decided to induce me. First by putting the gel into my cervix. Nothing happened. Then they decided to put me on a hormonal drip, which started things off. I had contractions...but however after 12hours of contractions my cervix was only 3cm open 😞 I was tired, in pain (I could only lay on my right side, when laying on my left side my baby's heartbeat drops and he gets stressed smh). Around 7:30 in the morning I decided to have epidural due to the whole pain. In the end doctor decided it's best for me to have emergency csection. On 11th Jan at 10:30 I had my beautiful baby boy. My husband cut the cord ( which I found so cute!)Â