Anyone due this February 2017 who conceived with donor sperm??

Suzanne • One ☀️ baby👧🏻2/14/17, one Angel 👼🏼Oct 2018, one🌈👶🏻 11/21/19 All conceived via IUI
I am 36 weeks pregnant. My husband and I found out last summer of 2015 that he cannot ever have kids. He had a surgery to try and locate any usable sperm in December of 2015 and was unsuccessful. 
We decided together (i thought) that because being pregnant and having a baby has always been the one thing I've ever wanted LONG before becoming an adult and finding my husband, that we would do donor sperm. 
The idea was hard for him to come to terms with for a while but we signed all the consent paper work together with our fertility doctor and began <a href="">IUI</a> in February of 2016. It took 4 months until we conceived in May and found out June 10 after the two week wait. We since then have been thrilled and so excited for this experience. 98% of the time he is so happy but there have been a couple moments I could count on one hand since conception (last night being one of them) that he has had a little emotional moment and been really upset that its unfair he won't ever have a child genetically from him. Idk what to do for him other than what I always do which is try to be there for him. But sitting here 4 weeks away from our due date I'm feeling scared about our future and if he will ultimately be ok😔
Does ANYONE have any experience with this??