Lori🤷🏾‍♀️ • Positive vibes only!!! But I am the one if you choose to try it😉 everyone has their own opinion 🤷🏾‍♀️
Okay y'all listen to this. I am 35 wks and 6 days pregnant today due on the 22nd of Feb to be induced actually. For as long as I know before even having kids I have always been there for my nephews which is my oldest sister two boys. Now that I have my own family one kid and one on the way with a house and my fiancé of course I feel like I am overrwhelmed. I love my sisters BOTH OF THEM my twin use to bring my niece which she is 3 around a lot on weekends so she can go party. If I'm off I would get them all I'm a homebody I like to do stuff as a family so if you seen me you would think I had 4 kids and 1 on the way. Well my twin and I had words a few months back. About my niece seeing what she isn't suppose to. I caught her with her pants down one night in my two year old room on top of him I WAS LOST BECAUSE MY CHILD DOESNT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SEX. And I kept sending him back in the room numerous amounts of times and he didn't want to sleep in there with her the first night I woke up out my sleep my son had his pillow and was on the floor HE IS TWO that has never happen. That's when I caught her the second night and whooped her ass, cause she is just a baby herself my twin told me I never had to worry about keeping her anymore I said it was GREAT CAUSE I DONT DEAL WITH LITTLE GIRLS THATS GROWN IN MY HOME. She can keep that shit at her house. Now my older sister is going through a rough patch been going through it for a while now. I have my nephews every holiday ON MY ACCOUNT because they wouldn't be doing anything if it was left up to her and ON SOME BIRTHDAYS AND EVERY SUMMER. She doesn't send them with much money EVER if at all and they aren't taught well at all VERY SMART EDUCATED KIDS THO. But at the age of 12 and 7 I shouldn't have to tell you to take a bath or brush your teeth or wash your face or either clean up behind yourself. They back talk me so much now that I have this belly and I can't get too upset so I feel they take advantage the oldest one the most. He was caught watching porn on our fire stick while everyone was sleep my my fiancé. My fiancé is soooooo mellow so he understands being a boy but I DONT APPROVE. So today I had a talk with my older sister about her job she's a in the road truck driver so the boys are left at home sometimes ALONE MON-FRI LEAVING them to take care of themselves which means feeding etc something a 12 and 7 year shouldn't be doing. She moved out of the city last year to another city because her "MAN" told her it would be a good fit for them well THAT MAN LEFT HER   Her rent for her beautiful home is about 1200.00 a month adding on her fancy car which is about 500 with insurance so she's barely making it with her back ground NOT SO GOOD she just can't work ANYWHERE. I asked her what does she think about downsizing moving back to the city where her family is and finding a in the city truck driving job. She went APE SHIT ON ME 😧 saying she could never live like I do letting a man think he's the boss 🙁 and I explained that's why she doesn't have a man. I also let her know not having a job right now and my fiancé is the only one working makes it hard in my family because the boys come over EAT LIKE THEY NEVER ATE which I understand they done get many home cooked meals they live off hot pockets corn dogs cereal banquet dinners chicken nuggets hot dogs junk food you know not FOOD THATS GONNA GET YOU FULL AND HELP YOU GROW. And being that when they eat they don't worry if I ate or my kid it man has ate they keep going until it's all gone leaving my fridge looking like a closed stadium ☹️ I don't want to stop seeing my nephews but I can't keep helping my sister like this because when she does have money she shops like she's rich gets her hair done lashes nails toes buy expensive bags and has a brand new attitude for that time being SHE HAS NEVER BROUGHT MUCH FOR MY CHILD ALL SHE DOES IS LIE TO HIM AND THAT ISNT RIGHT SHE BROUGHT MY BABY SHOWER CAKE AND THAT WAS IT FOR NY DAIGHTER WHO ISNT HERE YET. My fiancé said it's time to cut her off and I know he's right but my nephews are getting abused mentally and I feel like coming to my house they can be kids and let loose but I just can't take it anymore when I have another child coming into my home. Am I wrong if I cut her loose???