experienced reflux moms?

So my little girl is 5 weeks old and gets these episodes where it sounds like something is coming up her esophagus/throat and she looks like she's gulping and turns red. I turn her on her side and it eventually passes but it's terrifying. I told her pediatrician Monday but at the time it wasn't happening too often. She said to keep an eye on it, that it sounds like reflux and turn her on her side and put her at an angle when laying down and we would see if changing her formula helps. She did suggest a GerberSoothe probiotic thing but we were in no rush since it wasn't happening often at the time so we haven't bought it yet.
Except it's happened 3x tonight and I'm freaking out. What else can I do when she gets these episodes? Do I just wait helplessly? Calling pediatrician in the morning to see if we can switch her formula and definitely buying the probiotic. 
Edited to add: after googling this it sounds like silent reflux but not confirmed by doctor yet just need some opinions :(