Overdue/ induction fail

So I came in to L&D on Saturday at 5pm. Due to leakage of fluid. I had been leaking for about 10 hours prior to this. It appeared I was leaking amniotic fluid. So they kept me in for an induction. I was 39 weeks and 6 days. My doctor didn't want me going another week without having my daughter so she was going to schedule for induction on Jan 31. I was due on the 29 of Jan. They started the pitocin process at around 9pm on sat. Right away I started feeling contractions. They got stronger and stronger. I lasted about 8 hours breathing through each contractions which were 3 minutes apart. I started off at a fingertip dilated and 80% effaced. After the 8 hours the contractions were almost too strong for me to handle so I decided to get the epidural. I got the epidural at around 5:30am Sunday. I can honestly say it helped ALOT. I was still contracting 2-3 minutes apart. I was quite excited to start feeling pressure cause that would mean something was def gonna happen. I was expecting to have my daughter that morning. Doctor checked my cervix at 1pm and told me I was at a fingertip and 20% effaced. (Nurse made a mistake?) at this point I was frustrated cause the induction had failed and we were looking at possible csection. Which was not my plan. He told me we would try an oral medication that would soften my cervix first then we can start the pitocin process all over again. I just took my secon dose of the pill and I am seriously hoping it worked. Cause if it did I really think the pitocin process will be a piece of cake and I'll have my daughter with me today. Has this happened to anyone? What were your results??